Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Am Grossed Out but Still Fascinated at the Same Time

I am grossed out but still fascinated at the same time by this picture of a great white shark:
Most great white sharks look super scarred up, in murky water, and have dead fish hanging out of their jaws.  So, this crystal clear photo with perfect shades of grey and white striping this giant finny thing excites me.  I would be totally enamored with it and even make it my desktop background, except....

those gills.  I know there's nothing wrong with them but there has to be something wrong with them.  THERE ARE SLITS IN THIS ANIMALS THROAT.  Like I can see the clear water I so love through them.  That grosses me out.  I can't get the image of someone getting a foot stuck in there or.... ugh.

All joking aside, this picture is amazing.  I wish I knew who took it and if they survived.  Again, I cannot get over the clearness of the water.  Sitting in my stuffy city room overlooking sky scraper apartment buildings I can't stop imagining the refrigerator-cucumberish freshness I would feel as my breath was taken away as I dove in.

Sorry, it's late and I've been studying for +14 hours straight.  Thinks start to get a little hectic in my castle after I memorize 400 AP Biology flashcards in one day.

Baby Echidna- called a "puggle"

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